Open & Affirming Covenant

Our Covenant

In keeping with the covenant of our Church, we the members of the Meriden Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ in Meriden, New Hampshire, respond to the call of the 15th General Synod of the United Church of Christ and to the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ by making the following commitment:

We are called to love one another as God loves us, freely and without reservation.

We are Open and Affirming

We are an OPEN AND AFFIRMING Congregation, celebrating human relationships that are based on love, responsibility, mutual respect, trust and fidelity. We embrace diversity in race, gender, ability, age, spiritual belief, economic status, nationality, ethnicity, marital status and sexual identity or orientation.

For more information about openness and affirmation in the UCC, see Open and Affirming in the UCC and the UCC Coalition’s ONA Program.

We invite all

We invite all persons to join in the full life and ministry of this Church and to share its joys, privileges and responsibilities.

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