While we may be in a different position than we were during past camp seasons, we will still be closely monitoring our local and camp community for any possible rise or spike of active cases. We will be following Plainfield School District's current policies regarding COVID-19 while our camp is in session. Please carefully review the link below for our Camp Policies which explains our COVID procedures and policies that all counselors, campers, and families are expected to read, agree to, and follow for this 2023 summer session. We have also included links to other critical resources for all of us. These policies are subject to change based on current case rates in our area. Any questions or concerns, please contact Director Rosa Sousa.
5 Mitchell Drive
PO Box 187
Meriden, NH 03770
As an Open and Affirming congregation, we welcome people of all ages, races, lifestyles, and sexual orientation. As our sign says, “All Are Welcome"