Meriden Congregational Church
The Spiritual Formation Ministry Program seeds to offer comprehensive spiritual and emotional support from birth through grade twelve for children, youth, and families at the Meriden Congregational Church. This joyful commitment includes pastoral and practical nurture, thoughtful opportunities for spiritual exploration and growth in a safe, respectful, open-minded, inclusive, and compassionate setting, ever seeking to honor and support the presence and participation of all children and families in the fullness of life within this Beloved Community. The Spiritual Formation Ministry Program also reaches out with a warm welcome to children and families from our wider community, inviting them to participate in all programs of interest and support to their families, too.
Since 2017, Kelsey MacNamee, a certified NH educator and parent of a young child, continues to support and coordinate these programs in her capacity as our church’s Spiritual Formation Coordinator of Children, Youth, and Families. Kelsey works closely with the Spiritual Formation Ministry Team (co-chaired by Larissa Pyer and Cathy Rodriguez) for support of these programs. Please contact Kelsey ( if you and your family are interested in being part of any of these programs. We warmly welcome you!!!
These policies include fire safety instruction, guidelines about the physical space of the church school (open doors, visible teaching areas, two adults present with a group of children whenever possible, limiting the church school bathrooms to children and families only, etc.), and simple, but intentional, applications to be filled out by each adult who ministers with our children and youth either through church school teaching or youth group leadership. These policies will continue to evolve to ensure that our church provides as safe a place as possible for the emotional, physical, sexual, and spiritual health and well-being of each member of our community. For a fuller description of these policies, please see the Policies and Procedures section of this church website. And if you have any questions about any of these policies, please feel free to speak with the church pastor(s). We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
5 Mitchell Drive
PO Box 187
Meriden, NH 03770
As an Open and Affirming congregation, we welcome people of all ages, races, lifestyles, and sexual orientation. As our sign says, “All Are Welcome"